Terms & Conditions

By accessing and using cscgovernment.com, YOU accept and agree to the terms, conditions and rules without limitation and or qualification.

We reserve the right to modify the terms at any time without giving YOU any prior notice. Your use of cscgovernment.com following any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the terms as modified. Any additional terms and conditions, disclaimers, privacy policies and other policies applicable in general and/ or to specific areas of this website, cscgovernment.com or to a particular service are also considered as terms.

cscgovernment.com does not at any point of time during any transaction between the USER and merchant/ vendor and or service provider take the ownership of any of the products/services provided by the merchant. Nor does cscgovernment.com at any point asserts any rights or claims over the products/services offered by the merchant to the USER. The cancellation/refund, if any, will be governed as per the terms and conditions of the aggregator or of the merchant/vendor. cscgovernment.com has no role in governing refund/cancellation charges. cscgovernment.com, will not be responsible for refund/cancellation including any charges arising therefrom.

In the event, YOU erroneously send a payment to a wrong party or have sent a payment for a wrong amount, cscgovernment.com shall have no liability in this regard and your only recourse will be to contact such third party to whom such payment was sent and seek a refund (if any). cscgovernment.com will not refund or reverse a payment erroneously made by YOU.

All sales of prepaid recharge on the cscgovernment.com platform are final with no refund or exchange permitted. YOU are responsible for the mobile number or dth account number for which YOU purchased the prepaid recharge and all charges that result from those purchases. YOU are also responsible for the information relating to data card and similar recharge services and all charges that result from those purchases. cscgovernment.com is not responsible for any purchase of prepaid recharge for an incorrect mobile number or dth account number or incorrect data card information and or similar services.

cscgovernment.com disclaims any accountability, legal, losses/damages or else, that might arise because of the act, omission or otherwise of any USER on its website/mobile application or caused by the same. USER/YOU expressly admit that cscgovernment.com is only a payment facilitator & intermediary, and as such, stands indemnified from any accountability that might arise because of the same. YOU (USER) moreover acknowledge that visiting/using cscgovernment.com website/mobile application is an implicit reception/confirmation of this disclaimer on your part.

YOU are requested to go through the merchant/vendor provided terms and conditions on their website and or platform cscgovernment.com  is not responsible for your inability to access such terms and conditions or for any loss resulting from such terms and conditions or lack thereof. YOU agree and acknowledge that the actual contract for sale is directly between YOU and the merchant/vendor. cscgovernment.com does not control or prevent changes in the published details and descriptions of websites/apps operated by the aggregator or the merchant/vendor and is not responsible for any content therein. cscgovernment.com has no control over the existence, quality, safety or legality of items displayed; the accuracy of the aggregator’s content or listings; the ability of the aggregator and merchant/vendor to sell items or provide services. cscgovernment.com does not at any point of time during any transaction between YOU and aggregator/merchant/vendor, take the ownership of any of the listing, bookings or services offered by the aggregator/merchant/vendor. Nor does cscgovernment.com at any point asserts any rights or claims over the same offered by the aggregator/merchant/vendor to YOU. The aggregator or the merchant/vendor is solely responsible for the content/listings/bookings made available by it through the cscgovernment.com platform and YOU should contact the respective aggregator or merchant/vendor directly. For more information, we request YOU to contact the vendor/merchant/ service provider in order to get further clarifications and confirmation or the same can be confirmed on their websites as well.

cscgovernment.com is not a warrantor of the content/listings/bookings/services being offered on cscgovernment.com by various aggregators or merchant/vendors. YOU understand that any issue or disputes regarding the warranty, guarantee, quality, and service will be addressed as per the terms and conditions of the aggregator or the merchant/vendors, and YOU agree to handle such issues and disputes directly between YOU and the aggregator or merchant/vendor.

cscgovernment.com is not responsible for any warranty, guarantee, post sale claims, genuineness of listings/bookings, content, products and services. cscgovernment.com will not be liable for any claims including but not limited to any misrepresentation by the aggregator or the merchant/vendor in its content/listings/bookings.

Notwithstanding anything contrary contained herein, the service, the interface and api work, and their respective information, pricing and data, and availability are subject at any time and from time to time to human, mechanical , typographic, or other errors, oversights, mistakes, limitations, delays, service interruptions, including, without limitation, as may be due in whole or in part to, related to or arising out of (i) computer hardware and software, telecommunication and operating systems, databases, or business processes and procedures, other problems inherent in, or which may be associated with, the use of the internet and electronic communications including, without limitation, force majeure event , government / regulatory actions, orders, notifications etc. And / or and acts and omissions of third parties etc.

Any amount transferred erroneously or for any reason by the USER shall not be refunded to the USER in any circumstances.

The USER understands and agrees that cscgovernment.com is not a party to the contract between the USER and the merchant establishment. cscgovernment.com does not endorse any advertiser or merchant linked to its website. Furthermore, cscgovernment.com is under no obligation to monitor the merchant establishment's service/products used by the USER. The merchant establishment alone will be responsible for all obligations under the contract including (without limitation) warranties or guarantees. Any dispute with or complaint against any merchant establishment must be directly resolved by the USER with the merchant establishment. It is clarified that cscgovernment.com shall not be responsible or liable for any deficiency in goods and/or services purchased using cscgovernment.com wallet.

Any payment made erroneously by the USER to any merchant establishment or any erroneous transfer to any person shall not be refunded to the USER by cscgovernment.com in any circumstances.

Any web-link on the platform to a third party site is not an endorsement of that web-link. By using or browsing any such other web-link, the USER shall be subject to the terms and conditions in relation to that web-link.

In the event of any dispute (defined below), cscgovernment.com records shall be binding as the conclusive evidence of the transactions carried out through use of the wallet.

cscgovernment.com will not be responsible for recovering the money in case the account holder initiates fund transfer to an unintended or incorrect account.

These following terms and conditions shall be applicable to the provision of any fund transfer and fund collection facility provided / facilitated by cscgovernment.com. The USER shall provide correct beneficiary details to cscgovernment.com at the time of availing the said facility. The USER shall be solely responsible for entering wrong beneficiary details like incorrect virtual payment address or incorrect mobile number or account no or ifsc code, due to which the fund are transferred to an incorrect beneficiary. The USER agrees that the payment order shall become irrevocable when it is executed by cscgovernment.com.

The USER is responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the instructions provided to cscgovernment.com and the same, if is in the form and manner prescribed by cscgovernment.com , shall be considered to be sufficient to operate the said facility. cscgovernment.com shall not be required to independently verify the instructions. cscgovernment.com has no liability if it does not or is unable to stop or prevent the implementation of any payment order issued by the USER. Once a payment order is issued by the USER the same cannot be subsequently revoked by the USER.

All instructions, requests, directives, orders, directions, entered by the USER, are based upon the USER’s decisions and are the sole responsibility of the USER.

Refunds (if any) will be credited to your cscgovernment.com wallet account.

Grievance Policy


cscgovernment.com. (the Company) is engaged in the following business segment


Semi-Closed prepaid Wallet business: Issuance of multipurpose prepaid cscgovernment.com Wallet as a payment option alternative to cash for large segment of population in the country that is unable to use e-payment / m-payment facility since they do not have debit/credit cards.

(Semi-Closed prepaid cscgovernment.com  Wallet business is governed by the PSS Act and the RBI Guidelines).

The Company offers safe and easy payment option to every customer for seamless transactions across M-Commerce and E-Commerce domains. The Company has introduced multi-purpose prepaid cscgovernment.com Wallet (known as "cscgovernment.com eWallet") which can be used to purchase various goods and services Online/On-mobile/IVRS from affiliated merchants based on "anywhere-anytime" concept which would result in increased sales for all affiliated merchants and safety and convenience for the customer. The Company is helping business organizations to expand markets by supporting sales channels convergence with its payments options.

As a service provider industry, customer service and customer satisfaction are the prime concerns of the Company and the object of this policy is to minimize instances of customer complaints through proper service delivery and review mechanism and prompt redressal of various types of Customer Grievance Redressal Policy customer complaints.

The Company is in the business of issuance of Semi-Closed prepaid cscgovernment.com  Wallet and is authorised by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to operate a Payment System. It is governed by the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007("the PSS Act"), Regulations made under and the Issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2009 ("the RBI Guidelines") laid down by the RBI.

As required under the Clause 12.2 of the said RBI Guidelines, the Company has developed a procedure for promptly attending to grievances of the customers in respect of various issues pertaining to cscgovernment.com Wallet as online payment mode. This is done by setting up an internal two tier system in the form of "Customer Support" and a grievance redressal mechanism in the form of "Customers Grievance Redressal Committee", as hereinafter provided.

This Policy is called the "Customers Grievance Redressal Policy".
It shall apply to the business of the Company in India.
It shall come into force from 1st day of December, 2013
It shall apply only to Semi-closed prepaid cscgovernment.com Wallet business as mentioned under point 3 above.
It is available on the website of the Company https://www.
cscgovernment.com Section 1 - Definitions

'Company' shall mean CSC GOVERNMENT PRIVATE LIMITED. which is carrying on the business of issuance of Prepaid Payment Instruments, payment processing, payment collection and related services by facilitating payment solutions to the Customer for buying goods and services through any digital/electronic medium.
'Complainant' shall mean the Customer who has a Grievance.
'Customer' shall mean the holder and/or user of cscgovernment.com Wallet and/or any of the system participants of the Company.
'Grievance' shall mean communication in any form by a customer that expresses dissatisfaction about an action or lack of action by, or about the standard of service of the Company and/or its representative, in relation to use of cscgovernment.com Wallet.
'cscgovernment.com Wallet' shall mean the activated and valid Semi-closed prepaid wallet and all variants of the same issued by the Company.
'Payment System' means a system that enables payment to be effected between a payer and a beneficiary involving clearing, payment or settlement service or all of them but Customer Grievance Redressal Policy does not include a stock exchange.
'Redressal' shall mean the final disposal of the Grievance of the Complainant by the Company.
'System Participant' shall mean Bank or any other person participating in a payment system and includes the system provider as per the PSS Act.
'System Provider' shall mean a person who operates and authorizes payment system.
'Week' shall mean consecutive seven Working Days.
'Working Day' shall mean any day (other than Sunday & Public Holiday) on which the Company's Corporate Office is open for business.
Section 2 - Principles Governing Company's policy

The Company's policy on grievance redressal is governed by the following principles:

Customer shall be treated fairly at all times.
Complaints raised by customers shall be attended with courtesy and in time.
Customers shall be fully informed of avenues for grievance redressal within the organization and their right to approach the Customers Grievance Redressal Committee in case they are not fully satisfied with the response of the Customer Support.
The Company's Officer-in-Charge of Customer Support must work in good faith keeping in mind this policy of the Company.

Section 3 - Process to handle Customer Grievances

Grievances by the holder and/or user of cscgovernment.com Wallet:
3.1 Two Tier Grievance Redressal System
The Company has established customer grievances redressal machinery functioning at two levels:

Customer Support &
Customers Grievance Redressal Committee

The Company has a Customer Support facility (0800 Hrs to 2300 Hrs Monday to Sunday) for effective resolution for operational issues and all the grievances referred to it.

For quick reference, the contact details are provided herein below:

- Customer Support: cscgovernment.com Helpdesk

- Customer Care Number - 9660987779 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 AM to 8 PM)

Function and Authority

The Customer Support is responsible for the resolution of queries of all customers. The Officer-in-Charge of Customer Support is responsible for ensuring resolution of all queries received at Customer Support to the customer's satisfaction.


The customers who are not satisfied with the resolution of their queries by the Customer Support can approach the Customers Grievance Redressal Committee ("the Committee") for redressing their grievances. The Committee shall consist of two members out of whom one will be designated by the Company and the other would be an independent person who has fairly requisite knowledge of the Laws, who is not office-bearer, employee, director or any other person/s who has/have any interest of whatsoever nature in the Company.

This committee, at present, consist of three escalations which can be addressed to:

Banking Ombudsman Scheme
If you are not satisfied with redressal of the complaint provided by cscgovernment.com or if you have not received a response from cscgovernment.com within one month i.e. 30 days of logging a complaint with us, you may approach the Reserve Bank of India - Office of Banking Ombudsman for Grievance Redressal. The complaint can be made to the Office of Banking Ombudsman with the complete transaction and other requisite details. (The 30 day period will be reckoned after all the necessary information sought from the customer is received). You may refer https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=3631 for details about this scheme.

Function and Authority

The functions of the Committee are as under:

a. The Committee will address the grievance of the Customer if he/she is not satisfied with the decision of the Customer Support.
b. The Committee will be responsible for ensuring timely and effective implementation of all regulatory requirements regarding customer service.
c. The Committee shall have right to ask for all records from the Customer Support and the customer.
d. The Committee will look into the simplification of procedures and practices prevailing in the Company with a view to safeguarding the interests of customers of the Company.
e. The Committee will review the regulations and procedures prescribed by RBI for customer service and whether the same are adopted in spirit and intent by the Company and make suitable recommendations for rationalization of the same.
f. The Committee will review the practice and procedures prevalent in prepaid payment solutions industry and take necessary corrective action on an on-going basis.
g. The Committee will endeavour to proactively advice the Customer Support on pending complaints.
Grievance Redressal Procedure
a. A grievance may be communicated by the Complainant to the Committee as per the convenience of the Complainant in physical or electronic mode, in the form provided in schedule 'A' hereto to cscgovernment.com Helpdesk
b. Upon receipt of a grievance, the concerned officer shall enter the details thereof in the Grievance Redressal Register.
c. All grievances received shall be acknowledged within three working days from the receipt of grievance by the Committee.
d. The Committee shall resolve every grievance within 21 working days from the date of receipt of the grievance.
Final Redressal and Closure of Grievance
Grievance shall be treated as finally redressed and closed in any of the following circumstances:

a. Where the Complainant has communicated his acceptance of the Company's decision on redressal of grievance communicated by Customer Support
b. Where the Complainant has not communicated his acceptance of the Company's decision, within 1 (ONE) months from the date of communication of decision by the Customer Support or the Committee, as the case may be.
Implementation of the decision
The Management shall take all necessary steps to implement the decision of the Committee.

Grievances by a person other than the holder and/or user of cscgovernment.com Wallet (System Participant):

Grievances between System Participants in respect of any matter connected with the operation of the payment system shall be resolved in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007, as may be amended from time to time.

Schedule 'A' :


(All fields are mandatory)

FULL ADDRESS OF THE CUSTOMER ( With Email Id and Mobile N0 )
cscgovernment.com Wallet ID
(If space is not sufficient, please enclose separate sheet)
(If remedy has been provided, please enclose relevant communication from the Customer Care Centre)
(Please enclose copies of any relevant documents which support the facts giving rise to the Grievance)
I/ We, the customer/s herein declare that:
the information furnished hereinabove is true and correct; and
I/ We have not concealed or misrepresented any fact stated hereinabove and the documents submitted herewith.
The present Grievance has been intimated to Committee in the prescribed form and manner prescribed by the Company and I/We am/are not satisfied by the remedy provided by the Customer Support
no remedy was provided within a period of (__) days/weeks/months from the date of original intimation.
The subject matter of the present Grievance has never been submitted to the Company by me or by any one of us or by any of the parties concerned with the subject matter to the best of my/our knowledge.
The subject matter of my/our Grievance has not been settled by the Company/ Customer Support in any previous proceedings.
The subject matter of my/our Grievance has not been decided by any competent authority/court/arbitrator and is not pending before any such authority/court/arbitrator.
Yours faithfully

(Customer's name in block letter)


If the customer wants to nominate his representative to appear and make submissions on his behalf before the Customers Grievance Redressal Committee the following declaration should be submitted:

I/We the above named customer hereby nominate Shri/Smt. , who is not an Advocate and whose address is as my/our REPRESENTATIVE in the proceedings and confirm that any statement, acceptance or rejection made by him/her shall be binding on me/us.

He/ She has signed below in my presence.

(Signature of Representative)

(Signature of Customer)

Need help ? We will be glad to assist you

To Block and Report Unauthorized Transaction on your cscgovernment.com Wallet Account

Report via 9660987779 Website or App

Visit https://www.cscgovernment.com /help or Help Section of your cscgovernment.com App and choose Report Fraud option.
Fill in the required details and click on Create Ticket.
Please use the Ticket Id generated for future reference or communication with our investigation officer.

Report via Call: 9660987779
To report Fraud on your cscgovernment.com account please keep the transaction details (Order Id, Amount, Date and Time) handy for quick assistance.

Customer Protection – Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic Payment Transactions in Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) issued by Authorised Non-banks


Customer Liability in the event of unauthorized Payment Transaction

In accordance and subject to RBI guidelines and directions made available at https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=11446&Mode=0 , a customer’s liability arising out of an unauthorized payment transaction will be limited to:
Customer liability in case of unauthorized electronic payment transactions through a PPI
S.No.    Particulars    Maximum liability of customers
(a)    Contributory fraud / negligence / deficiency on the part of the PPI issuer, including PPI-MTS issuer (irrespective of whether or not the transaction is reported by the customer)    Zero
(b)    Third party breach where the deficiency lies neither with the PPI issuer nor with the customer but lies elsewhere in the system, and the customer notifies the PPI issuer regarding the unauthorised payment transaction. The per transaction customer liability in such cases will depend on the number of days lapsed between the receipt of transaction communication by the customer from the PPI issuer and the reporting of unauthorised transaction by the customer to the PPI issuer -    
i. Within three days#    Zero
ii. Within four to seven days#    Transaction value or ₹ 10,000/- per transaction, whichever is lower
iii. Beyond seven days#    As per the Board approved policy of the PPI issuer
(c)    In cases where the loss is due to negligence by a customer, such as where he / she has shared the payment credentials, the customer will bear the entire loss until he / she reports the unauthorised transaction to the PPI issuer. Any loss occurring after the reporting of the unauthorised transaction shall be borne by the PPI issuer.
(d)    PPI issuers may also, at their discretion, decide to waive off any customer liability in case of unauthorised electronic payment transactions even in cases of customer negligence.
# The number of days mentioned above shall be counted excluding the date of receiving the communication from the PPI issuer.

We at One cscgovernment.com Systems Pvt. Ltd caution the members of public and our Users not to fall prey to fictitious offers and or unsolicited phone calls or emails asking for financial information or any other type of personal information. It has been observed that fraudsters have resorted to defraud the susceptible public by convincing them over a phone call to divulge details of the debit / credit card or their bank account information in order to commit cybercrimes. Recipients of such communication fall prey to frauds or scams perpetrated by individuals who impersonate to be employees of various financial institution and end up compromising their confidential information and that which is later on used by such fraudsters on ecommerce and m-commerce platforms. We apprise you that cscgovernment.com will never ask for the details of your Account / PIN / Password / Full Debit / Credit Card number / Expiry Date / OTP / CVV / Confidential Bank Account details or any other security/personnel information .

In case you fall prey to such a fraud or scam , kindly use the link provided to you by us or write to us at governmentcsc@gmail.com or follow our grievance policy , in order to report the same to avoid further loss.

cscsgovernment.com has implemented a highly secured environment in order to avoid and check fraudulent transactions – however it is important for customers to ensure that they exercise caution and refrain from compromising sensitive and personal information.

नोट : cscgovernment.com पर किसी भी प्रकार से अंगुठे के निशान या OTP से आधार कार्ड डाउनलोड नहीं होता है , यानीं की इस वेबसाइट पर आधार कार्ड डाउनलोड होता ही नहीं है | केवल वेबसाइट का नाम cscgovernment.com है और यहाँ आपको आधार कार्ड की pvc को प्रिंट करने का Option मिल जाता है | जिसमे गवर्मेंट की वेबसाइट से pdf डाउनलोड करनी होती है और उसे pvc में या 4x6 में रिटेलर कन्वर्ट करके आसानी से प्रिंट कर सकता है .. यह केवल pvc प्रिंट वेबसाइट है और रिटेलर अन्य दस्तावेज़ और आधार कार्ड गवर्मेंट वेबसाइट से a4 साइज़ में प्राप्त करता है उन्हें व्यवस्थित रूप से 4x6 में प्रिंट एवं pvc फोर्मेट में प्रिंट कर पाता है , जो की रिटेलर फोटो शॉप में 30-40 मिनट में इस कार्य को कर पाता है , हम केवल रिटेलर के उसी समय को बचाते है और 1 सेकंड से भी कम समय में इस कार्य को करके रिटेलर को दे देते है, इसके अलावा पोर्टल पर मोबाइल रिचार्ज / DTH रिचार्ज / UTI / NSDLफॉर्म डिजिटल प्रिंट एवं अन्य BBPS की सेवाए प्राप्त होती है |

CSC Government Private Limited

NSDL Pan center is available, Apply now on Digital Public Seva. Dear User, In view of Lock Down, We support Government Guidelines.

Contact Us

  • 9660987779 / 7300412447
  • governmentcsc@gmail.com